The work of Aglow in Romania has been growing, changing and developing over several years, and there is a real excitement about what God is doing in this nation.

The Aglow groups across Romania are each reaching their community in different but relevant ways, making a significant difference to real people.

Several groups spend time in hospitals, orphanages, abortion clinics and elderly homes, giving of their time, their resources and continually talking about and demonstrating Jesus to them.

Working with Muslim women and their children, one of our Aglow leaders is committed to loving these women, helping them develop real life practical skills, and sharing Jesus with them.

A most exciting development is the growth and expansion of our Generations Group in Oradea. Led by Patricia and Cristina, ably assisted by Agnes, this group of young women meet to study the Bible and discuss how to apply it to their lives, supporting and encouraging each other in their walk with Jesus. They also have a heart to reach out to the needy in their community by visiting a local orphanage as well as giving gifts at Christmas. This project is supported by financial donations from Aglow Britain.

Daniela and her team have continued to work with the children’s cantina. When they could not meet physically, the team took supplies to the children and their families!

No-one missed out!

Over the years of the cantina’s work, many have come to know Jesus for themselves, and in this past year 3 teenagers from the Cantina have been baptised!