Following a full Scottish Breakfast and a time of Praise and Worship a guest speaker shares from the Word. There is also opportunity for the men to give short testimonies of their own experiences with the Lord. There have been many positive responses from the men and instances of physical healing.
In addition, we have a Prayer, Praise and Pizza evening once a month during which we pray for all aspects of Aglow International.
As a group we contribute to the community by making donations to the local Food Bank.
God has worked powerfully in Edinburgh. Two young men have been led to Salvation in the Lord. The group are blessed to have a powerful anointed Worship Leader and Holy Spirit is always evident in the meetings. The group meets on a monthly basis on a Saturday morning starting with a full breakfast, praise and worship and invited Guest Speaker. Kenny Johnston is President and hosts a Monthly Prayer Meeting.
Gateshead MOI meet for a full English breakfast and a time of worship followed by a guest speaker. There is a great sense of unity with the men encouraging and serving each other.
As well as a monthly outreach meeting the men come together for prayer and sometimes this includes prayer walking the city.
Manchester MOI target group holds a bi-monthly breakfast meeting reaching the homeless. They also meet monthly for prayer and processing Biblical truths about our identity in Christ.
New men come to MOI Peterhead every month. The men enjoy breakfast together, are blessed with great worship and willingly share testimony at the meeting. Many of the men have come out of addiction. A highlight has been when one of the team leaders of Teen Challenge came to give testimony, 18 of their men were encouraged to come along with him. Seeing them enjoy the meeting was a great blessing and some have continued to come regularly, enabling them to be rooted and encouraged in their faith. Martin Christoffersen is President of the group and Coordinator for Scotland North Area. The MOI team just love serving God and reaching guys.
St Helens
St Helens MOI meet for a Pizza, Prayer and Praise outreach which includes a message from a visiting or inhouse speaker, testimonies and an opportunity for personal prayer. In addition, there is a monthly prayer meeting for the wider ministry of Aglow International and on occasions prayer walks in the town.

As I share life with Men of Issachar God is transforming me into someone who can now pray with other men and put hope where there was none.
At one of the monthly MOI meetings, a young man whose father had disowned him, wrote a prayer request for reconciliation, as all his previous attempts had been unsuccessful. Prayer was made every day during the following month and at the next meeting, he shared that his father had phoned him. They are now completely reconciled.
A recovering alcoholic has been accepted for full time study in order to be ordained as a minister. God has used the ministry of MOI to help him on this journey.
St Helens, Merseyside, Men of Issachar
Prayer Walk
One Tuesday night, five of our men joined together to pray for St Helens in a local coffee shop.
We talked for a few minutes about our concerns in the area including a high rise multi-storey car park which was a hotspot for suicides. There aren’t many families in the town who haven’t been affected by it.
We started walking and praying and when we got to the car park the atmosphere changed. As we walked all the way round the building, passing bunches of dead and dying flowers, we could feel the heartbreak and sensed the spirit of suicide. We laid hands on the building and one of the group pushed a wooden coffee stirrer into the middle of a metal form bolted onto the side of the building. On the coffee stirrer was a written prayer to break off the spirit of suicide from this building.
Later the same week, we heard of a man who had tried to commit suicide the day before. He had gone to the top of the multi storey car park and stood on the edge, but he couldn’t do it , he couldn’t move. He stood there for so long that the car park was locked up with him inside. He said later, “ It was like something wouldn’t let me jump”.
His girlfriend rang the police who released him without charge.
We give God all the glory, that the Holy Spirit held him safe, and that when we do what the Holy Spirit encourages us to do, lives can be saved.
Praise God