In order left to right we have Pastor Anatoliy and Irene, Vanya and Pastor Valentin. The photo below is Capital Prayer Walk
In order left to right we have Pastor Anatoliy and Irene, Vanya and Pastor Valentin. The photo below is Capital Prayer Walk
Nonnie and Glenys first visited Bulgaria in 2015, to speak at churches and share the Aglow vision in northern Bulgaria, by the invitation of Pastor Valentin and Vanya Dutsov.
They spoke in many churches and also in the Gypsy community, and were thrilled to see people responding to the gospel message and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Valentin and Vanya Dutsov continue to do their excellent work as Regional Co-ordinators for Aglow in the North of Bulgaria.
The work has grown exponentially with nine established Aglow groups in North Bulgaria and two in the South.
The Aglow groups in Bulgaria serve the community in many exciting diverse ways: Working with refugees in refugee camps, holding Prayer and Bible studies, serving the community in nursing homes, preaching the gospel on the streets, visiting hospital patients, praying for the Capital City in Sofia, sharing the gospel message in nurseries and schools.
This wonderful work by both Aglow women and men has experienced several miracles of verified healing following prayer. The vision of Aglow is being shared in Bulgaria including the use of Game/Life changer teaching.
We were delighted when both Pastor Valentin and Pastor Anatoliy Elenkov accepted the responsibility of National Advisers for Bulgaria.
Pastor Anatoliy and his wife Irene are the Regional Co-ordinators for Sofia and the South Bulgaria area.