Albina, Belarus
Aglow in Belarus began in 1998 and has had Aglow groups operating in all 6 regions since that time. There are currently 25 groups, mostly in the Vitebsk, Mogilev, Gomel and Grodna regions with new works emerging. We are privileged to work with wonderful Godly women in these groups who are reaching out to very particular needs within their communities.
We have a National Committee – Albina (Our National Coordinator) and Tatiana (Regional Leader for Mogilev) both pictured here.
They work tirelessly to encourage and share the vision across the nation. These are women who have had the Aglow vision since the start and have carried God’s call ontheir lives for the work of restoration, salvation and release of men and women in their nation through the Aglow ministry.

Tatiana, Belarus
They work with teams from Britain, interpreting, putting an itinerary together, arranging meetings, visits and conferences, as well as travelling many miles and hours across the country. Please pray for this Team.
In Belarus we have Aglow women who run Children’s camps, Feeding programmes, teenagers meetings, mentoring groups for new Christians, orphanage work, hospital visiting and groups for children with learning difficulties, as well as prayer and Bible Study groups in and for their local churches and communities.