Anti Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Did you know?

There are an estimated 40 million human trafficking victims worldwide.

Human Trafficking generates £150+ Billion annually.

Every 30 seconds a person is trafficked

The average age of entry into prostitution is 12 years

Trafficking is… to be taken against your will, bought, sold and exploited for the sex industry, nail bars, car washes, building sites, domestic servitude and more… 80% of victims are women and 50% are children. Men are trafficked too for work in agriculture/heavy manual labour..

Trafficking is…where victims usually suffer repeated abuse, physical violence, psychological control, fear, threats to themselves and their families. The same person can be sold and resold many times.

There can be a sense of hopelessness that it’s too big an issue for you to make a real difference, however today across the globe, ordinary people are working together hand in hand, to break this cycle of slavery!

Educate yourself 

Knowledge is power…..KNOW MORE

Read local and national newspapers for current news and stats

Read recommended books and articles

Watch human trafficking films

Attend day seminars/conferences

Share what you know! Click here to read 5 ways people can be trafficked

Pray for…

Victims and their families

Those taking action against traffickers

Those with power to pass legislation against traffickers

Wisdom and compassion for those helping victims to rebuild their lives

The demand for illicit sex to cease.

Prayer breaks chains and gives favour that is supernatural - it enables rescue and puts people in the right place at the right time


Shop with discernment

Sign petitions

Contact your MP and raise concerns

Prayer walk/drive (during the day)

Suspicious activity? Call the modern slavery helpline: 0800 0121 700 - they will welcome your call.